At the end of the war, he was sent to the Nuremberg trials for a month, and stayed a year, and his coverage earned him awards. 战争结束时,他被派到纽伦堡工作一个月,报道审判过程,然而他却待了一年,并因报道而获奖。
The author speculates as to whether there could have been an Italian version of the Nuremberg trials, and what difference it might have made. 作者思索,当初是否有可能上演一场意大利版的纽伦堡审判,而且结果会有什么不同。
Simultaneous interpreting ( SI) is a complex multi-task activity of interpreting which came into exsistance after the Nuremberg trials. 同声传译是一项复杂的多任务口译活动。
After the second world war ended, following was the Nuremberg Trials with the Tokyo War Trials to the war criminal and the war crimes group's trial. 第二次世界大战结束后,随之而来的是纽伦堡审判和东京审判,即对战争罪犯和战争犯罪集团的审判。
America hoped that the Nuremberg trials would demonstrate the abhorrence in which the world held the Nazi system, and bring home to the German people america's determination to extirpate that system forever. 纽伦堡审判时,美国人它能展示全世界对纳粹制度的憎恶,并向德国人传递一个信息:美国决心永远根除纳粹制度。
In 1946, ten Nazi war criminals condemned during the Nuremberg trials were hanged. 在1946年,在纽伦堡审判中,十个纳粹党的战犯被判处绞刑。
The Law Puzzlement about The Nuremberg Trial and Tokyo Trials& View From of the Crime Decided by Criminal Law Principle 读一读,判断正误。纽伦堡审判和东京审判的法律困惑之解读&以罪刑法定原则为视角
Hess was held in Britain until the Nuremberg war crimes trials, 1946, when he was given a life sentence. 赫斯被囚禁英国。到了一九四六年,他被纽伦堡战争罪行法庭判处终生监禁。
From the Nuremberg Trials to recent research, there is a huge contradiction between the ability and the brutality of the nazi doctors. 从纽伦堡对个人丑行的审判,再到新近的研究显示,纳粹德国时期的医生们在所具备的能力和所表现出的残忍方面呈现出了巨大的矛盾性。